Last updated: April 26, 2023

PERRK LLC. (“PERRK,” “we” and “us”) believes privacy is incredibly important and pledges to respect and protect its users.

The PERRK application (the “App”) is made available as a mobile application, and information regarding the application is available on PERRK's website located at  The PERRK application, website, and related services will be referred to as the “Services.” In this Privacy Policy (“Policy”), we describe how we collect, use, and disclose information that we obtain about users of the Services.

We ask that you read the Policy in order to understand how your information is being used. When you use the Services, you are consenting to this Policy.  If you do not agree with content in the Policy, you must stop using the Services.

What Information We Collect

Personal Information We Collect Automatically. Personal information is information that identifies or is capable of identifying you as an individual.  We collect personal information from you when you voluntarily provide it to us.

In order to use the App, you must register with your phone number.  When you create a post , we collect the time it was posted and the content.

We may automatically collect information about your use of the Services such as: access/log-in and log-out time, device ID, application ID or other unique identifier; domain name, screen views; device name and model; operating system information, browser type and language and version of the browser software; your activities within the Services; and the length of time that you are logged in. We may combine this information with other information that we have collected about you. Such data is collected, as without such data the Services cannot be accessed.

Telephone Number. We ask you to provide and verify your phone number via a verification code sent to your phone number via SMS when you first launch the App. Your phone number must be verified in order to view content, post content or access the Services.

Email. We ask you to provide your email. Your email will be used to recover access your account in the event you lose access to the phone number registered under your account.

Birthday. We ask you to provide your birthday to verify your age meets our minimum requirements.

Your Content and Usage. We may collect content you submit to the Services, information about the content, such as when you submitted it, and any metadata that is provided with the content.

Other Information you Provide to Us. When you interact with the Services or otherwise communicate with PERRK in any way, we may collect the information you choose to share with us.

Social Media Sites. You can follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and promote us on other social media sites. We collect information about who has liked us or followed us.

Aggregate and Anonymous Information.  Sometimes we use aggregate or anonymous information.  Anonymous information is data where all information that enabled you to be identified has been removed.  Aggregated information is anonymous data collected about a group of users or other categories.  Your personal information is not included in aggregate or anonymous data.  We may use this type of information, for example, to help us understand trends and your needs and preferences and to improve our services.  This policy does not restrict our use of aggregate and anonymous information.

How We Use Information We Collect

In general, we use the information we collect from and about you to provide and operate the Services, respond to your requests, and provide customer service and technical support. Due to your use of the App or communication with PERRK, some of the information we collect may personally identify you. The personally identifiable information you may submit during your use of the App could include your phone number.  We will not ask for other identifying information from you but you may voluntarily provide it to us in communications with us such as email queries in which you voluntarily provide your email address.

Other data that could be collected from your use of PERRK is not considered personally identifiable information, except if that information is combined with personally identifiable information or unless otherwise required by applicable law. We may also use information: